June 6, 2023
Spring time learning and teaching can certainly be a challenge for any student and teacher. The end of the school can feel so close and yet so far away and the sunshine and warmt...

June 5, 2023
Hello Fletcher Families!
Field Day is a little over a week away! Below you will find the schedule of events:
11:15 - 11:45 Bounce Houses will be open to all children in the...

May 25, 2023
Hello Fletcher Families!
We are very excited to announce that Fletcher Elementary has an online apparel store open through Kevin Smith Sports !
This apparel has the same d...

May 17, 2023
Every year, we honor two Franklin West educators as our Educators of the Year. Last year, we implemented a new process for selecting our recipients. Educators are nominated by the...

May 8, 2023
Happy Spring! Fletcher Elementary School’s Spring Concert and Art Show. The students have been working hard preparing. They are excited to share some music and art with you.

March 20, 2023
The students in Mrs. Hurt’s first grade class have enjoyed participating in a special project this winter. They have been interacting with other first grade classes across the Uni...

February 21, 2023
2nd Grade celebrated the 100th day of school with some fun activates.

February 21, 2023
1st Grade celebrated the 100th day of school with some activities.

February 16, 2023
Each morning students across FWSU are greeted as they enter the buildings or classrooms to start their day. Sometimes it’s in rain gear with an umbrella, sometimes it’s in full wi...

February 16, 2023
This week, we were able to recognize January’s FWSU Educators at each of our schools. Educators are chosen from those who were nominated by parents, students or colleagues. Typica...

February 15, 2023
The students in Mrs. Hurt’s first grade class have enjoyed participating in a special project this winter. They have been interacting with other first grade classes across the Uni...

February 15, 2023
FOFE would like to thank everyone who attended our (hopefully) first annual Valentines Day Family Dance on Friday February 10th. We had over 100 people in attendance between the t...

February 12, 2023
FES students and staff enjoyed, Off the Wall Comedy and Juggling with Jason Tardy.

January 30, 2023
Check out Volume 2 of Fletcher Elementary School's Falcon Flyer!

January 29, 2023
Fletcher Students performed in the first concert in over 2 years. The students had a great time preparing for the concert. Parents were happy to be back in the building with their...

January 27, 2023
December was a busy month in all of our schools and it got away from us before we had the chance to recognize our Educators of the Month. Over the last two weeks, we were finally ...

January 13, 2023
Students and staff at Fletcher Elementary School have a simple theme this year— Work Hard and Be Kind. If we can ingrain those two character traits into our everyday lives, we ca...

December 20, 2022
Fletcher Elementary was fortunate to receive a donations of gloves and mittens from the Little Glove Project.
Gordini is a Vermont-based brand, located in Essex Junction, with ...

December 2, 2022
Check out Volume 1 of Fletcher Elementary School's new reboot of the Falcon Flyer!